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Missibbotson's Shop

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Faculty head of vocational studies. Specialising in Health and Social Care with a vast knowledge of courses.




Faculty head of vocational studies. Specialising in Health and Social Care with a vast knowledge of courses.
BTEC Health and Social Care Level 1/2 Tech Award Component 3 Obstacles Lesson

BTEC Health and Social Care Level 1/2 Tech Award Component 3 Obstacles Lesson

Lesson which prepares students to answer the final question on the paper about obstacles. If you have purchased my other exam question resources you will find this lesson continues the Nora case study. For those that do not have these resources, there is adequate information included so that your students can answer the question. WAGOLL and metacognitive answer planner included. Pre-planned differentiated questioning and differentiated tasks.
BTEC Health and Social Care Component Three Case Study Task- Whole Class Feedback

BTEC Health and Social Care Component Three Case Study Task- Whole Class Feedback

Help your students as you approach the component 3 level 2 exam by using a whole class feedback approach to completing an exam paper. This activity provides a brand new case study and questions based on ‘Dara’. The package also comes with a whole class feedback sheet so that you can address strengths and misconceptions quickly when only marking a small sample of work. This has been an effective way of working through questions that my group have struggled with whilst still utilizing the holistic structure of the exam paper.
BTEC Health and Social Care Component 3 Revision Lesson Q3

BTEC Health and Social Care Component 3 Revision Lesson Q3

Revision lesson focusing on answering question 3 of the component 3 exam for the Tech Award. This lesson develops student understanding of data and how to interpret it and then moves on to look at how to effectively answer question 3. The main aim of the lesson is to push students on from achieving around 4/12 marks to 8-12/12 by increasing the detail of their answer and their analaysis skills. Differentiated resources included for lower ability students and challenge tasks to stretch higher attaining students.
Health and Social Care Work at Home Book

Health and Social Care Work at Home Book

A selection of resources to set students outside of normal classroom settings. The booklet draws upon knowledge and content that is covered in the Tech Award Level 1/2 but does not require students to have covered the topics beforehand.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 10 P1 Sociology

BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 10 P1 Sociology

Lessons covering unit 10 BTEC National Level 3 Pass 1- Sociological terms and concepts. Each lesson covers a separate sociological term and links this to health and social care. Clear links to the assessment criteria are included with a metacognitive answer planner which models the expected level of response to students. 9 lessons in total that work well either delivered by a teacher/ tutor or used independently by students.
BTEC National Unit 10 Sociology Models of Health

BTEC National Unit 10 Sociology Models of Health

Three lessons and coursework structure covering the health models section of unit 10. Power points include short model examples of coursework. The coursework structure has clear sections demonstrating the different criteria to students.
BTEC Tech Award Component 3 Home Learning Lessons x 3

BTEC Tech Award Component 3 Home Learning Lessons x 3

This is a set of three lessons that have been created to be used for video call teaching rather than in the classroom during school closures. The lessons are less interactive and give more time for teacher talk so that they can be taught over Teams/ Zoom etc. The lessons include a takeaway/ homework task in each. Lesson 1- Re-cap/ Teaching of PIES categories. Lesson 2- Re-cap/ Teaching of Factors Categories. Push in lesson 1 and 2 on getting effects and factors the right way around for the exam. Lesson 3- Physical factors with a specific focus on genetic conditions. If you are looking for lessons to be taught in the classroom then there are more suitable resources in my shop.
BTEC 2022 Health and Social Care Component 3 Learning Aim A Resource Booklet 1

BTEC 2022 Health and Social Care Component 3 Learning Aim A Resource Booklet 1

Resource booklet for Component 3 Learning Aim A of the new 2022 specification. Please note this booklet is the first in a series and covers Physical, Lifestyle and Social factors from learning aim A. Other factors will be covered in subsequent booklets to reduce cognitive load. I have also found that students prefer a smaller booklet. Booklet covers content, example exam questions, recall activities and homework tasks. 67 pages in total.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 Revision Book (37 pages)

BTEC National Health and Social Care Unit 1 Revision Book (37 pages)

Complete revision guide to support student learning for the unit 1 growth and development exam. A much more student friendly approach with broken down ideas, examples, pictures and tasks. 37 pages in total including revision questions at the end of each three sections. The perfect resource to support student progress and secure outcomes. Could be used as a homework booklet or for prep-learning.
BTEC Tech Award Practice Papers Component 3 HSC

BTEC Tech Award Practice Papers Component 3 HSC

2 x practice exam papers for the component 3 Tech Award (Health and Social Care). Set out in the same format as the exam. Varied case studies to broaden student knowledge. Case studies include; -Darren -Leonard In my shop you can find other example papers.
BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Component 2 Learning Aim B Role Play Assignment

BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Component 2 Learning Aim B Role Play Assignment

This is a bundle of documents to do the role play assignment for learning aim B, component 2. These are based on two role play scenarios where the case studies are included. If you have bought my learning Aim A resources it follows on from the assignment there but can be used without doing the previous two clients. Included is a structured writing frame for you to provide feedback and a comment bank to speed the process up. Each value has a role play scenario to work with. Note- the two scenarios are based on ‘Change Point’ a multi-service center for obesity and a respite care home. Client needs are obesity and Down’s Syndrome.
BTEC National Health and Social Care Level 3 Unit 1 Homework Booklets for PIES development

BTEC National Health and Social Care Level 3 Unit 1 Homework Booklets for PIES development

4 homework booklets in total that work through each section of PIES development. Command based questioning reflects the skills required on the course. Booklets are; 1, Physical development 2, Intellectual development 3, Emotional development 4, Social development These would make a great revision resource or could even be used as cover work for a class. They are also designed to compliment the lessons for unit 1 which can be found in my listings.
Design a Plan- Section B Exam Skills Component 3 BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Level 1/2

Design a Plan- Section B Exam Skills Component 3 BTEC Tech Award Health and Social Care Level 1/2

Plan for around three hours of teaching demonstrating to students how to successfully answer Question 3 and 4 of the Component 3 exam. WAGOLLS, planning documents and peer assessment included. Lesson designed on an example question and not one that is listed on the BTEC website, giving your students more examples to practice from. Metacognitive approaches to exam response planning used. Buy excellent quality resources from a teacher who achieves outstanding value added.